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classes begin

When the ship is docked in a forest, sea José Vera also saw that stood on the shore of a beautiful woman — di Li silk. She has

a plain white dress water silver hair oblique inclined beam up scattered in the right shoulder on perfect exquisite features veiled

with a soft light beautiful.
  Her water eyes watching sea Joseph Mikania do not know is not the sea more than Joseph Mikania heart felt her eyes some cold.

But that's like the cherry lips and maintain goodwill smiles Searle felt Heidelberg is own many Wei.
  Majesty is my great honour to be your etiquette trainer. The melodious sound oriole generally came from the sea gently plucked

the smiles Searle said:
  2. go into the red brick walls of the city stands above the
  I am also pleased to have such wonderful teacher. Her sentence was absolutely true di Li silk really she saw the most beautiful

people in the real world if she will be entertainment legend.
  Sea Joseph Mikania one foot on shore to the other foot on the pedal at this time was about to say di wire came out to her and

she smiled and said thank you side reached the gentlest hands holding each other 's.
  Just that short moment sea Joseph Mikania suddenly felt there was a powerful force for her back her full response does not come

straight to the water off.
  Mastiff-a huge water bloom noble Majesty in approaching the Palace on the first day was very unfortunately turned out to be —
  A drowned rat.
  His side blaming yourself: I want to pull your Majesty ashore to
  Di Li a Deputy to wire cry chuchu looks anxiously to
  What happened? just to watch the tassels frown José Vera body wet sea is not to say Fu ashore and look at the people asked.
  Coach: blame me di Li a Deputy to wire cry chuchu looks anxiously came to his side and self-reproach road: I want to pull your

Majesty may I have enough strength to go ashore, instability also harm Majesty fall in the water
  Joseph Mikania apart from the sea barely screeching smile or said what she pulled out a wave droplet moments wand leave clothes

hair and evaporation. But this di Li silk? don't imply she is?! must not make fun of hateful woman's body weight. But this is not

the emphasis is focused on:
  His side blaming yourself: I want to pull your Majesty ashore to
  Di Li silk apparently deliberate.
  This cognitive let sea Joseph Mikania annoyed when she was offended this beautiful Mermaid Princess has had such a gaffe

against her for her?
  Coach: looked at sea José Vera looked di Li silk end said: well, did what events you stop blaming yourself. Majesty hope you

don't mind.
  3, what happened? just came to the crease of the tassels
  Joseph Vicki watch sea he felt his face some pale and asked you uncomfortable?
  EH? he started unexpectedly lost his memory of the sea would still be concerned about Joseph Wei he only felt a warm subtle

smile, I'm fine.
  That's good. Sea José Vera smiled and said head look to di Li silk when they found each other's eyes have hate she pretended

not to notice said: du Li silk we do classes begin?
  Di Li a Deputy to wire cry chuchu looks anxiously to
  Di Li silk put away the strange look and put on a beautiful smile said: good Majesty please into the Woods in my classroom.
  The next time the sea has been with Joseph Wei di Li silk learning Palace etiquette as time's grown she finally certainty — di

Lisa she shredded or even hate her.
  3, what happened? just came to the crease of the tassels
  She unintentionally Joseph for letting the sea to Mikania from confusion depressed and then one day finally developed into a

  Splat! a sound that was boiling tea had scattered in the sea of Joseph Mikania skirt on high heat quickly burned her skin.
  I'm sorry your Majesty. Di Li silk head disingenuous to apologize.
  3, what happened? just came to the crease of the tassels
  Enough! sea José Vera angrily to lift a magic wand point soaked dress fabric stains immediately disappear but her anger still

burning so warmly di Li silk you don't think that I will have to tolerate you!
  This time di Li silk gentle kind of camouflage mask completely out of her eyes to sweep a sea of disdain Joseph Mikania sneer

at a glance: you think you have a lot of amazing? when an emperor was able to steal someone's husband!
  Joseph Mikania a sea completely unable to understand what she said.
  3, what happened? just came to the crease of the tassels
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  I mean very clear! on Lily di one step more to henla clamped her coach: Why will like you also repeatedly asked me to take a

good guidance you! if not for him I don't talk to me what is your sea José Vera you tell me how I can know shame to this level!
  Coach: like I? sea José Vera frown a tight incredibly asked.
  You're proud of? di Lisa wire snapped: I warned you it was the tassel betrothed whatever you previously and how he had you love

being in love!


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